Thursday, September 8, 2016

A note from the author

Hello and welcome to my Superman fan fiction.  That's all this is, a story that I wanted to tell using the Man of Steel himself.  This is a non-profit page, Superman and all related characters are firmly the property of DC Comics and this in no way infringes on that ownership. Superman was created by Jerry Siegel and Joel Schuster.

This story takes place in the cinematic universe laid out originally by Richard Donner starring Christopher Reeve and sometimes Brandon Routh.  Its contained within that specific continuity and builds up from there.  For the best understanding of where this story takes place, consider the movies as follow:

Superman 2
Superman Returns
Superman 3
Superman 4: The Quest for Peace are here, little over a decade in continuity after the evens of Superman Returns.  Yes I am including Superman 3 and 4, despite Bryan Singer's desire to wipe them from continuity, but hopefully their inclusion will iron out some problems they had and make it worth its while.

This fan fiction just to appeal to die hard Superman fans, but rather those that grew up with the films and wanted to see what could have been done with that cinematic universe.

Hope you enjoy.

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